Planting Churches among the City's Poor - Volume 1


Proper screening and selection begin with a clear statement of World Impact’s philosophy and mission, a definition of the tasks that define this mission and a set of characteristics and qualifications needed in those who join undertaking the mission. 67 Because the work is challenging and demanding, the biblical qualifications for leadership are stringent. The Bible lists twenty-eight separate qualifications for church leaders in the Epistles. 68 These include such character traits as being of good report, of good behavior, vigilant, temperate, hospitable, patient, and not being greedy or self-willed. In addition to the character traits outlined in Scripture, the following characteristics are helpful to the prospective church planter: “A sense of call; spiritual maturity; submissive leadership; goal/performance orientation; discipling/nurturance skills; psychological maturity; functional intelligence; creativity; communication skills; cross-cultural adaptability; physical vitality . . .” 69 These qualities are first seen in the team leader. Though the team shares authority, it is important to have a leader with the vision, gifts and experience to guide the team and make it effective. Vision is needed because the work is difficult. There are many obstacles, especially in cross-cultural church planting. Jack Redford says, Motivation is essential. Costs are often high and always an enormous amount of time is required on the part of the church planter. Forty hour weeks will never get churches planted, nor will just going to meetings. Church planting is endless, tiresome, demanding, and extremely hard. 70 In addition to having vision, the leader of the team also must be gifted as a church planter... Many believe the gift of being a church planter is akin to the biblical gift of apostle (Ephesians 4:11). This gift is the Spirit-inspired calling and ability to do pioneer church planting. Charles Chaney says, “I believe that church planting is very closely related to


67 See Graham, Helping Missionaries Grow , p. 48

68 See Feeney, p. 105-110

69 Graham, Helping Missionaries Grow , p. 50

70 Redford, p. 18

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