Planting Churches among the City's Poor - Volume 1

Part II Theological and Missiological Principles and Insights: Toward a Theology of Church Planting

The resources in Part II specifically provide insight into the kinds of biblical, theological, and missional frameworks that give birth to effective missions among the city’s unreached urban poor. Here you will find materials that provide suggestive reflection on the nature of the theo logical and missiological perspectives on the city and the poor, on the Kingdom of God and the Church, and on the ramifications of Christ and culture. Of course, these materials are meant to be suggestive as to the kind of theological and missiological insights we must have as we engage in God-honoring church planting efforts among the urban unreached poor around the country and beyond.

This part includes the following sections:

• Christus Victor : A Theology of the City and the Poor / p. 95 • A Theology of the Kingdom and the Church / p. 167 • A Theology of Christ and Culture / p. 209


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