Additional pages

Rider performance Shows the current performance of the driver in watts.

Tour distance Shows the distance covered since the value had been reduced.

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The additional pages are arranged according to the following pattern: 1. Page symbol 2. Horizontal navigation position 3. Content of page 4. Vertical navigation position: Refers to addi- tional pages and shows the current position You can change the current selection as follows: 1. Move the joystick upwards or downwards. 2. Another option can be marked with a vertical movement of the joystick. 3. You activate the marked option by press- ing the joystick. The change is immediately adopted. 4. Change to the next page by pressing the joy- stick towards the left or right side.

Additional pages are associated with this page: Tour distance / Average speed Show the average speed on the distance cov- ered.

Range Shows the remaining range using the currently selected support level.


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