Hematological Malignancies


Thursday, 3 September Time

Lecture Topic


08.20-08.30 Welcome and Practical Information

Specht Specht

08.30-09.00 The role of the radiation oncologist in the multimodality treatment of lymphomas

General principles of treatment

09.00-09.45 Radiotherapy 09.45-10.30 Chemotherapy 10:30-10:45 Coffee or Tea 10:45-11:10 Immunotherapy

Specht Engert

Engert Illidge Engert

11:10-11:35 Radioimmunotherapy and new immunological approaches

11:35-12:20 Combined modality treatments

12:20-13:05 Lunch 13:05-13:50 Long term toxicity


13:50-14:05 Hodgkin lymphoma: Lymphocytic predominance, the role of radiotherapy


Classic Hodgkin lymphoma, the role of radiotherapy

14:05-14:35 Early stage 14:35-14:55 Advanced stage

Illidge Engert

14:55-15:05 Advanced stage, comments on radiation therapy


15:05-15:20 Coffee or Tea 15:20-15:40 Relapsed/refractory disease


15:40-15:50 Relapsed/refractory disease, comments on chemotherapy

Engert Ricardi

15:50-16:20 Radiotherapy volumes, doses and techniques

Ricardi Yahalom/ Aleman/ Engert

16:20-17:20 Hodgkin case discussion

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