The Gazette 1921-25

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.



General Meeting.—President's Address. It was resolved that the Society's GAZETTE for December, containing report of the proceedings at the Half-yearly General Meeting, and the President's address at that meeting, be sent as usual to members of the Society, and in addition to those members of the profession who are not members of the Society. James Moore of the firm of Messrs. W. M. Moore and Son, 8 Anglesea Street, Dublin, to be President of the Society for the ensuing twelve months. The newly elected President was admitted a Solicitor in Michaelmas Sittings, 1890 was elected a member of the Council in 1911, and was a Vice-President. 1914-15. He has always been an enthusi astic promoter of Rugby football in Ireland, and for several years past has been an Irish Representative on the International Rugby Football Board. Obituary. MR. MAURICE HEALY, died upon the 9th November, 1923, at his residence Ashton Lawn, Ballintemple, Cork. Mr. Healy was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1882, and practised at 48 Grand Parade, Cork. The New President. The Council have elected Mr.

MR. WELLESLEY N. G. DESPARD, died upon the 21st November, 1923, at his residence, 1 Coote Terrace, Mountrath. Mr. Despard served his apprenticeship with Sir William Fry, Dublin, and was admitted in Easter Sittings, 1900. MR. NORBERT L. MORAN, died upon the 27th November, 1923, at New Ross. Mr. Moran served his apprenticeship with Messrs. D. & T. Fitzgerald, Dublin, was admitted in Trinity Sittings, 1890, and practised at 19 Eustace Street, Dublin. Library. The Council acknowledge with thanks the gifts of books to the Society's Library from the following members :— Mr. W. L. Barlee, Mr. R. C. Joy, Mr. Joseph McDermott, Mr. A. S. Merrick (Belfast) ; Messrs. Rooke & Rooke, and Messrs. H. & W. Stanley. ALL communications connected with THE GAZETTI-: (othei than advertisements) should be addressed to the Secretary of the Society i 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin.

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