The Gazette 1921-25


Vol. XV., No 5.]

November, 1921.


Ballot for Council. The ballot lor election of Council will be held on Monday, 21st Novembe-, from 11 to 1 o'clock, in the Secretary's Office. Voting papers should reach the Secretary not later than one o'clock p.m., on 21st inst. Half-Yearly General Meeting. The Half-yearly General Meeting of the Society will be held at two o'clock p.m., on Monday, 28th November. The chair will be taken at two o'clock p.m.

protection. A reply was^directed to b2 sent stating that the practice of the Court has been to allow in such cases the costs only of writs issued prior to the obtaining of pro tection. Government of Ireland Act, 1920. The following Order in Council made under this Act on 27th September, 1921, was submitted :— Order fixing, the first day of October, 1921, to be the appointed day for the purposes of the provisions of the Act relative to the Supreme Courts of Judicature. The following Provisional Orders in Council dated 27th September, 1921, were also submitted :— Supreme Court of Judicature (Southern Ireland) Order, 1921. Supreme Court of Judicature (Northern Ireland) Order, 1921. ' General Adaptation of Enactments (Southern Ireland) Order, 1921. General Adaptation of Enactments (Northern Ireland) Order, 1921.

Meetings of the Council.

October 5th. 26 Members present. Dublin Civil Bill Courts.

The attention of the Council was drawn to the difficulties under whi h the profession carry on business in Dublin Civil Bill Courts, owing to the lists of cases to be heard not being issued sufficiently in advance to enable Solicitors to communicate with clients and witnesses to secure their attendance. It was decided to invite a written statement on the subject from the Sessions Bar, and that on receipt of such statement the President should have an interview with the Right Hon. the Recorder. Arranging Debtors. A letterjwas"' received from a firm of Solicitors stating that they had been disallowed as against the estate of an arranging debtor the costs of a writ issued against the debtor, subsequent to his taking

October 19th. 27 Members present. Delay in Valuations of Estates*

A letter was read from the Meath Sessions Bar drawing attention to the difficulty in obtaining certificates of discharge from Crown duties, owing to the delays attendant upon valuations being furnished from the Valua tion Office. It was arranged that the President and Vice-Presidents should have an interview with the Valuation Office authorities relative to this matter.

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