The Gazette 1921-25


The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society of Ireland.

MAY, 1922]

" reciprocity suggested by the resolution " passed at the General Meeting of the " Society held in November, 1921, legislation " would be required, and as it is not at " present possible to promote such legisla- " tion, the Council recommend that further " consideration of the matter be postponed." April 21 st. Twenty-eight Members present. A special meeting was held to consider matters arising in consequence of the occupation of the Four Courts by a force of armed men. It was resolved that offices be immediately secured for the Secretary and his staff. It was further resolved that the Vice- Presidents (in the absence of the President) should interview the Controller of the Inland Revenue in reference to the arrangements for stamping of documents. Stamping of Documents. The following letter has been received from the Comptroller of Stamps as a result of an interview between him and the Vice-Presi dents of the Society :— Inland Revenue, Jury's Hotel, 6-8 College, Green, Dublin, 25th April, 1922. DEAR SIR, I beg to inform you that for the period during which the stamping facilities at the Four Courts are not available, arrangements will be made to receive at this office for stamping documents which are specially required. Such documents should in the first instance be presented in the Store keeper's Office on the ground floor of this building. It is requested that for the present these arrangements may be made use of only for such documents as are urgently required. I am, yours faithfully, (Signed), S. E. MINNIS, Comptroller of Stamps and Income Tax. The Secretary, The Incorporated Law Society, 33 Molesworth Street, Dublin.

The following further letter has been received: Inland Revenue, Jury's Hotel, Dublin, 8th May, 1922. Dear Sir, I beg to refer to my letter ol the 25th ultimo on the subject of stamping arrange ments, and to state that the request in the last paragraph thereof is now withdrawn, and all documents may now be presented at this office. I enclose some copies of a notice setting out in detail the procedure to be followed in connection with the presentation of documents for stamping with Revenue stamps or Particulars Delivered stamp. I am, yours faithfully, (Signed) S. E. MINNIS. The Secretary, Incorporated Law Society, Dublin. Temporary Stamping Arrangements. Inland Revenue, Jury's Hotel, Dublin. The following temporary arrangements for the stamping of documents have been made : 1. Documents will be marked in Room No 7 (first floor). 2. The stamp duty is then to be paid at the Cashier's office (Entrance Hall) where a warrant in duplicate should be presented. 3. One of the warrants will be returned to the applicant by the Cashier, together with a receipt for the duty paid. The documents for stamping should then be presented, together with the warrant and Cashier's receipt at the office of the Store keeper (ground floor) where the warrant and the documents will be checked and retained. 4. The documents will normally be ready at the expiration of four days from the date of lodgment, and will be delivered out on presentation of the Cashier's receipt at the Storekeeper's Office. 5. Particulars Delivered cases are also dealt with in Room No. 7.

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