The Gazette 1921-25

The Gazette of the Incorporated Law Society ol Ireland.



as such Register affects persons residing in the Irish Free State, to the Bank of England, London, desire to put on record their considered opinion that the proposed transfer would cause great inconvenience to and involve considerable trouble and expense to the investing public of the Irish Free State; and further, that such a transfer would amount to a breach of faith with the Government Stockholders of Southern Ireland—not only large holders of Government Securities, but also the important class of thrifty and saving small investors—-who subscribed for Government Funds on the faith of definite pledges that such Funds could be dealt with in the Bank of Ireland, Dublin, thereby assuring to these Stockholders a speedy and in expensive method of realising their investments if required. " The Council also desire to point out that the proposed transfer would go far to debar the Irish Investor from investing his savings in a form of security which has hitherto been regarded as the most desirable on account of the facility, cheap ness and rapidity with which it could be bought and sold. " That copies of this resolution be sent to the President and Minister of Finance of the Irish Free State, to the Chancellor of the British Exchequer, to the Governors of the Bank of Ireland, the President of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, and the President of the Dublin Stock Exchange."

24ih November. Twenty-one Members present. The Senate.

The Council met specially to decide on eight names of members of the Society to be forwarded to the President of the Provisional Government. It was decided to forward the names of the following members :—Patrick J. Brady, Charles G. Gamble, William J. Shannon, C. St. G. Orpen, T. G. Ouirke, J. J. Horgan, J. E. MacDermott, and H. J. Concanon. The President of the Society. The Council have elected Mr. Joseph Edward MacDermott to be President of the Society for the ensuing twelve months. The newly-elected President was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1880, was elected a member of the Council in 1911, and was a Vice-President in 1913-14. He is a leading member of the profession in the City of Dublin, and is well known in hunting circles, being prominently identified with the Ward Union Hunt. Obituary. MR. FLORENCE A. GREENE, Solicitor, died upon the 4th November, 1922, at Dublin. Mr. Greene served his apprenticeship with his father, the late Mr. Roger Greene, 11 Wellington Quay, Dublin ; was admitted in Michaelmas Sittings, 1907, and practised in partnership with his brother Mr. Thomas J. Greene, under the style of Roger, Greene & Son, at 11 Wellington Quay, Dublin. MR. JAMES S. BERNARD, Solicitor, died upon the llth November, 1922, at his residence, Granite House, Pembroke Road, Dublin. Mr. Bernard was admitted in Hilary Sittings, 1901, under the provisions of Section 29 of the Solicitors (Ireland) Act, 1898, and practised, under the style of George Bernard & Son, at 12 Upper Ormond Ouay, Dublin. MR. JOHN CRAIG DAVIDSON, Solicitor, died upon the 30th November, 1922, at his residence, St. Fintan's, Baily, County Dublin.

22nd November. Twenty Members present. The Senate.

The Council met specially to consider letters from the President of the Provisional Government requesting the Council to forward to him a list of names from which a choice might be made in deciding the nominations for the Senate. After consideration it was resolved to forward a list of eight members of the Society, and to adjourn until the 24th inst., when the names would be decided on.

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