USD Women's Basketball 1996-1997
Returning Player Biographies
#23 Tammy Schroeder 6-1 SOPHOMORE F Evergreen, CO / Evergreen HS
Career Highs: Points - IO at Vermont , Dec. 2 1, 1995 ; Reh. - 6, at Santa C lara, Feb. 3, 1996; 8/k. - 2, vs. St. Mary' s, Feb. I 0, I 996. Freshman: Appeared in 20 games ... Scored career high IO points at Univers ity o f Vermont tournament agai nst Vermo nt ( 12-2 1-95)... Missed e ight games due to torn ten– don in le ft ankl e. High School: Jefferson County SA Pl ayer of the Year fo r the Evergreen Hi gh Cou– gars... An All -S tate Honorable Menti on selecti on and team's Most Valu able Player as Evergreen won two league titl es... Averaged 13 points and 11 rebounds per game during senior seaso n... All Confer– ence se lection for three years... Also played on vo ll eyball team for three years where she was an All Conference team member. Personal: Majoring in Marine Science/Physics... Loves the outdoors and hiking ... Spent a year at the U.S. Air Force Academy prep schoo l. .. Chose USD fo r academics and friendl y community... Recruited by Air Force Academy and Northern Co lorado... Parents are Thomas and Peg Schroeder. .. Father played footba ll at Iowa State... Born March 21 , 1976 in Washington D.C.
Total FG-FGA
2.2 2.2
44 44
3.0 3.0
59 59
4 4
7 7
8 8
15- 19 15-19
.790 .790
.478 .478
.000 .000
22-46 22-46
0-1 0-1
233 233
'95-96 Totals
20-0 20-0
Torero Newcomers
#22 Amanda Bishop
#12 LaKia Alexander
Mary Beth Basile
Sophomore G San Jose, CA/Presentation HS
Tulsa, OK/Holland Hall HS
Compton, CA/Dominguez HS
High School: All Southwest Prep Conference se lect ion and MVP during seni or season... Hol– land Hall team was league champs with I0-0 record ... All Di strict in junior year and placed fourth at BCI Nationals in 3-point shooting con– test. .. Also played soccer and was All District. Personal: Earned Presidenti al Academic Schol– arship... Major is Engi neering with minor in Re– li gious Studies... Chose USD for locati on, size and academic reputation .. . A lso recruited by Harvard, Yale, LMU and Pepperd ine... Pl ays gui – tar for Young Life... Parents are David and Lyn Bi shop... Born May 24, 1978 in Tulsa, OK.
High School: Second Team Al l C. I. F. in seni or season... Team was C. I.F. champs for Central Coast Section... Average 14 po ints, four assi sts and 5.3 steals. Personal: Dean's Scho larship recipient... Dean's Li st in '95-96.. . Maj or is En– g li sh and Communicati on... Member of USD's rowing team last year-that pl aced second at Pa– c ifi c Coast Rowing Championships in Novice Four compet ition... Pl ays the piano.. . Chose USD for its academ ics... Al so recruited by Brown and Northern Arizona... Parents are Maureen and Lou Bas ile... Born August 25, 1977 in San Jose, CA.
High School: Two-time Dominguez High Most Valuab le Player. .. All C. I. F. selection ... Led the team in points and rebounds during seni or sea– son... All Press Telegram selection.. . Team pl aced third in San Gabrie l Valley League... Two-time MVP of Mt. Carmel Christmas tournament. .. Al so played softbal l and volleyball and was MVP of volleyball team. Personal: Major is Business Admin istrati on... Chose USD fo r its academic reputation ... Also recruited by Cal Po ly SLO, Long Beach State and CS Northridge... Pare nts are Patri c ia Brown a nd Kenneth Al exande r. .. Born November 13, 1978 in Los Angeles, CA.
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