USD Women's Basketball 1996-1997
USD Alumni - Where Are They Now?
Candida Echeverria, 1986-90 Selling real estate in the Chino. CA area.
Jim Mottershaw, Assistant Coach, 1985-88 Teacher and girl's basketball coach at El Capitan.
Melissa Sortino-Abram, I 990-94 Currently teaching and coaching in Portland, Oregon.
Christi English, 1986-90 Associate contra ct administrator f or Morrison– Knudsen Engineering.
Julie Evans-Mottershaw, 1985-87 Mother and coaches ll'ilh Jim ar El Capitan.
June Andrews, Manager, 1988-92 Teaching and coaching at Madison High, her alma mater.
Martha Nelson, 1979-83 Coordi11ator jr1r rhe A. R.C. Socierr in Moline, IL.
Cindy Fischer, Assistant Coach, 198 1-87 Specialist at IBM Operarional Support Cente1:
Lyn Anatasio, Assistant Coach, 1987-89 Guidance counselor at Our Ladv of Peace.
Cathy O'Brien, 1983-87 Keeps busr a/lending to her three small children. Teaches at preschool in San Marcos.
Jill Bradley-Applegate Flight Allene/en/ jr,r American Airlines.
Kelli Behrens, 1985-87 Plaved one r ear professionally in Europe and one rear in New Zealand.. Now a sales representati ve for M&M Mars... Married and has one rhree-month old child. Melinda Blade, USD's first women's basketball coach Serves as athletic director at Our Lad,· of Peace.
Cathy Perkins, 1986-90 S11per Projecls manager 11·i1h Safeco Insurance.
Kim Reynolds, 1987-88 Customer Serl'ice Associate for Pacific Corp.
Karen Skemp, 1984-88 Phd student at the Universitr ofMinnesota.
Mary Stanbra, 1981-85 Athletic trainer at Michigan State Universitr Student Health Ce111e1:
Paula Mascari-Bott, 1986-90'riter at the San Diego Union -Tribun e.
Jeanne Burns, 1983-84 Works in the home health care fie ld.
Lynda Jones-Tealer, 1988-92 Senior Women's Administrator at Santa Clara Uni,·.
Christine Burke, 1983-87 Accountalll jr,r a large pension plan group. Is ,vork– in[? tmrnrd.1· her Master's degree. Meg Estey-Capps, 1986-88 Assistant Coach at Pendleton Hi[?h in Oref?OII .. Also a business account manager.for UNICOM. Rachel Chism, 1989-90 Graduate stude111 at USO.. Teaching ar Alpine El– eme/1/arr. Madeline Herill-Cobb, 1979-81 Direc/Or ofschool-age child care IJrOf? ram in Carmel Valley. CA. Erin Characklis, 1988-89 Is training with the curre/11 World Cup horseback riding champion in Europe. Jean Corley, 1979-81 Attends 10 her three children at her home in Sraren Island. NY Kelly Schroeder-Dakin, 1983-87 Married 11·i1h /11'0 small children, residin[? in Pa.rn Robles. CA .. Expectin[? a third child rhis rear Julie Doria, 1988-92 Teaches hilinf? ua/ classes at Rwnona Olil'e Pierce School .. Also coaches an ei[? hth f?rade girls ream. Vicki de Jesus, 1991-95 Assistant Coach at Rancho Bernardo High School. Gmduare s111de111 in co1111se/i11g at USO. Chris Enger, 1989-93 Plm ·ing pmfessionallr in England .. Coaching a teen – age 1ea111.
Debbie Theroux, 1983-86; Assistant Coach, 1988-91 Assistant direc/Or of rhe Ne11· Altemarives rrearme/11 ce111er in San Diego.
Chris Enger
Laura Thomas Works.for San Diego Countr Probation Dept.
Debbie Gollnick, 1988-92 Assistant women's basketball coach.for Portland Pmrer. an ABL professional team.
Brittany Volk, 1991-95 Works.for Cold11·ell Banker in Bar Area.
Mary Godfrey, 1983-84 Works.for Federal Express.
Peggy Weaver, 1982-86 Works in n,anagement.for R.PS. Roach\'Cl_1· Package Srs– tems.
Sue Hampton, 1982-85 Teaches P E. ar Hink/er (Minn.) High School.
Debbie Weinreis, 1981-82 Player-coach for team in Geneva, Swit~erland.
Amy Hillenbrand-Myers, 1984-85 Teaching at Grossmont College: also teaches adaprive P E. ro disabled persons. Mollie Hunter, 1987-91 Sells advertising.for Muscle & Fitness, Flex 111aga~i11es. Works.for a small accou111ing Jinn. Nya Jensen, 1991-95 Returned to Denmark and is 11·orki11f? 011 her grad11ate degree in business. Julie Lemery, 1988-90, 1991-92 Recruiting manager.for Accounting Quest. Ran in the Boston marathon last rem: Chayo Moreno, 1982-83; Assistant Coach, 1983-84 Marketing sales repre.ve11tati1•e.for a co1111n1111i1_1·health gro11p. Lori Morris, 1980-84 Coaching [?ir/'.1·basketball ,11 Montgmnerr High School. Also gang resource {Ufriso,:
Alumni...Help Us Stay in Touch! The USD Women's Baskethall rro– gram is rroud of its heritage and the accomrlishments of all its former rlay– ers. If you or a classmate ha\·e heen excluded from the aho\'e list. rlease write and tell us where you are and what you are currently doing .
Letters should he addressed to: USD Women's Baske1hall Office 5998 Alcala Park San Diego. CA 92110-2-l92
A special !hank vou 10 Genevieve Marpefor her e/j
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