City of Surrey 2017 - 2021 Financial Plan

Planning & Development



 Continued enhancement of Open Data available to the general public.


 Continue to implement the approved Community Climate Action Strategy, including moving forward with key priorities in both the Community Energy and Emissions Plan and the Climate Adaptation Strategy, such as the pilot density bonusing program in West Clayton and integration of adaptation into the new city-wide Risk Manage- ment framework;  In consultation with TransLink and the Engineering Department, finalize Frequent Transit Corridor Development Plans for existing and future rapid transit corridors in Surrey;  Complete the process to relocate the City Centre arenas to South Westminster;  Start construction of new ice arenas in South Westminster and Cloverdale;  Complete design and start construction of the new Community Centre in Clayton; and  Complete construction of the new South Surrey Operations Centre.

 Continue the improvements of the remaining space at the former City Hall building to accommodate the growth of the RCMP;  Support the new business energy outreach program for local businesses being developed by Metro Vancouver and ensure that Surrey businesses can access and benefit from the program to reduce costs and energy use;  Complete the Cloverdale Fairgrounds Master Plan Review;  Review and update secondary plans to reflect changes resulting from development approvals and changing development conditions since adoption of these plans;  Continue to apply sustainability principles in new construction projects and retro-fit existing building systems to increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions;  Encourage significant development applications in City Centre to plan a future connection to a district energy utility system;


 Support the RCMP’s growth with planning, design and construction of new and renovated space.



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