City of Surrey 2017 - 2021 Financial Plan

Surrey Public Library

The Library provides downloadable e-books, audio books, and a selection of online databases to Surrey residents of all ages. Partnerships with local community agencies help to extend literacy programs beyond the Library’s walls.

City Centre Library

The department’s budgetary divisions include: ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Administrative Services manages the physical spaces, as well as the finance, human resources and information technology functions of the Library system, ensuring day-to-day service requirements are met. This division also manages the Library’s image and raises awareness and funds to support and enhance its community services.

PUBLIC SERVICES Public Services manages the borrowing and information services offered through our nine locations and plans, promotes and delivers a wide variety of programs. This division also acquires and manages the print and electronic collections that suit the needs of our diverse community.



 Supported social and economic integration of newcomers through active participation in Local Immigration Partnership, e.g. hosted Human Library and provided library cards and tours to refugees and newcomers.

 Celebrated City Centre Library’s 5 th anniversary – offering an opportunity for families to engage and connect;  Improved services for people with visual and perceptual disabilities by promoting access to Centre for Equitable Library Access (“CELA”); and


 Promoted and supported growth of ‘Little Free Libraries’ to improve a sense of community well-being in local neighbourhoods.

 Strengthened relationship with the Surrey Pre-trial Centre to provide books and resources to inmates; and



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