Master of Fine Arts in Design

It is wonderful to share what I know with the next generation of artists, plus I learn just as much from them as they learn from me. —BRIANNA CAPRA, M.F.A. ‘24

Featured Alumni: Brianna Capra When Brianna Capra began her master’s degree, she had been out of academia for more than 20 years, having earned her B.F.A. in sculpture from the Minneapolis College of Art and Design in 1999. Her passion for making books and love of illustrating for children led her to UW-Stout’s Master of Fine Arts in Design program, where she earned her graduate degree on May 4, 2024 along with 1,037 graduates. Capra will continue making books and has many ideas she’s been waiting to bring to life. She plans to start a center for book arts in the Chippewa Valley, modeled after the Minnesota Center for Book Arts, and hopes to continue teaching drawing. “I found the polytechnic emphasis at Stout to be equal parts challenging and inspiring. I learned so many skills that I had not expected to, digging into research, learning to use digital platforms and design tools, and writing scholarly content as well as creating a cohesive portfolio of artwork. As an illustrator, learning to use digital media is extremely valuable. Though I continue to work primarily in traditional media, knowing how to use digital tools can help me stay current in my very competitive field. Stout has also given me some teaching opportunities. These experiences were incredibly valuable as I intend to pursue future teaching positions.” How well has UW-Stout prepared you to work in your field and why?

The Digital Process Lab, Printmaking Lab and Student Gallery 201 are also outstanding resources for students in the School of Art and Design. They provided me with an opportunity to create and display a prolific amount of artwork. I am grateful to the faculty and staff in the School of Art and Design. They are incredibly knowledgeable and supportive. They have treated me with dignity and patience, even though I ask a million questions and still don’t really know how to get on a Teams meeting.” “I was the recipient of a Foundation Scholarship in 2022, a Certificate of Sustainable Design and a Student Research Grant in 2024. The research grant was a great benefit, as it helped pay for materials and printing costs associated with my creative thesis project, a 136-page graphic guide to plastic pollution, recycling and living plastic-free. I was also chosen as the Outstanding Graduate Student Researcher for 2024. This is quite an honor and a surprise considering how far behind I thought I was when I started the program after 20 years out of school.” “I am quite pleased with the quality of work I was able to create while in the M.F.A. program. Some of my pieces received awards in juried gallery shows. I got honorable mention for a print titled “Sweetgrass Woman” shown at Wisconsin Arts West in 2022, and best of show for a drawing titled “A Gift Freely Given” at the Otherworldly Arts Safe Word show in February of 2024. I have also self published and sold several of the comic books I made in classes at Stout.” Brianna is now a Lecturer of Art & Design Foundations at UW-Stout. Adapted from a story originally written by Jerry Poling, May 2024 What are you most proud of as you finish your degree? How did your involvement on campus impact your experience?

What stands out about your UW-Stout experience?

“The instructors I was fortunate to work with at Stout are excellent. Professors in the M.F.A. program, as well as those whose classes I took as electives, are helpful, knowledgeable and professional.

Adapted from a story originally written by Jerry Poling, May 2024



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