2019 Year 12 IB Extended Essays


This also relates to how designers create large hills to let the roller coaster build up sufficient

potential energy (which will then be converted to kinetic energy) to sustain the roller coaster’s

movement around the remainder of the track (Pearson, 2001).

KE initial

+ PE initial

+ W external

= KE final

+ PE final

Fig.1.1(Revision World Networks Ltd, 2015)

Energy conversion also occurs when the roller coaster circulates loops. During circulation, the

roller coaster gains height hence gains gravitational potential energy and loses kinetic energy.

However, when a roller coaster reaches the top of the loop, they do not gain maximum

potential energy like from the beginning as the loop’s height is not as high. The difference

between the height of the loop and the first hill will be the factor that determine the

remaining potential energy. Since not all potential energy is converted, there is still kinetic

energy left hence the roller coaster will still be able to travel and complete the loop.

Furthermore, with the help of gravity of Earth, when the roller coaster passes the top of the

loop it will gain more speed and in addition, loses height resulting energy conversion from

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IB Diploma

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