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MEDICAL Psychiatry

Emergency Psychiatry Principles and Practice 2nd Edition

By Rachel Lipson Glick, MD , Clinical Professor, Department of Psychia- try, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI; Scott L. Zeller, MD , Medical Director, Psychiatric Emergency Services, Alameda County Medical Center, Oakland, CA; and Jon S. Berlin, MD , Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin, Medical Director, Crisis Service, Milwaukee County Behavioral Health Division, Milwaukee, WI DESCRIPTION The field of emergency psychiatry is complex and varied, encom- passing elements of general medicine, emergency medicine, trauma, acute care, the legal system, politics and bureaucracy, men- tal illness, substance abuse and addiction, current social issues and

more. In one comprehensive, highly regarded volume, Emergency Psychiatry: Principles and Practice brings together key principles from psychiatric subspecialties as well as from emergency medicine, psy- chology, law, medical ethics and public health policy. Leading emergency psychiatrists write from their extensive clinical experience, providing evidence-based information, expert opinions, American Psychi- atric Association guidelines and case studies throughout the text. This fully up-to-date 2nd Edition covers all of the important issues facing psychiatry residents and practitioners working in today’s emergency settings, or those who encounter psychiatric emergencies in other medical settings. FEATURES • Provides complete, invaluable information on every aspect of today’s emergency psychiatry, including the areas of community, consultation/liaison, psychotherapy, substance abuse, psychopharmacology, disasters, children, geriatrics, administration, forensics and much more • Reflects significant recent advances and changes in perspectives regarding crisis and emergency mental healthcare • Features a newly reorganized format covering Models and Standards of Patient Care, Research, and Education; General Principles of Care; Staffing and Support; Common Presenting Problems; Special Populations; and Policy and Special Topics • Includes new chapters on psychiatric boarding, staffing models, and inclusion of the family in crisis care, as well as additional special population chapters on college students, transgender individuals, prisoners, and immigrants and refugees • Covers specific approaches to common problems, such as alignment of the approach to agitation with Project BETA recommendations, and includes evidence-based management and treatment throughout • Discusses special topics such as legal issues that emergency mental health providers must be aware of, emergency telepsychiatry, best practices for working with police and law enforcement, crisis phone services and disaster psychiatry

Hardbound / ISBN: 978-1-9751-1368-1 / ($114.99 / £87.00(t) / €97.00(t)) World Approx. 500 pp. / Approx. 100 Tables / 7 x 10 / January 2020

Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in April 2008 (ISBN: 978-0-7817-6873-3).


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