U Magazine, Summer 1986

Readers write I enjoyed your spread on the fraternity ''U'' President Dr. Author E. Hughes Vice President for

To the editor: I enjoyed your spread on the fraternity in the Spring edition. Generally, the n ewsletter is very well written and informative - I prefer it to the "Update" which we used to receive. I am submitting a " happening" which I hoped you have room for - we see very little "happening" with t he class of '69. I sneaked in some extra stuff on Father Sullivan . He taught classi– cal languages at USD, including French, and even Russian . Fa– ther Sullivan started the first men·.~glee club or chorus and everyone whom he taught or instructed had great respect for him. He is active with Knights of Columbus in his parish. His ad– dress, in case you have use for it (he a lways welcomes staff, alumni and student calls) : Space Eye 15, 1100 Industrial Boulevard, Chula Vista, CA 92011. Phone : (619) 427-3201. He is a classical music and opera fiend. If I can, I will come down one weekend soon and take some "history" on my tape recorder from Father Sullivan and submit to you a biography for t he " U".

University Relations Dr. William L. Pickett Editor John Sutherland Art Director Doug Armstrong Photography Pablo Mason John Sutherland Contributing Writers Ted Gosen John Nunes Te resa Rodgers '86 Clare White '80 "U" Editorial Board Elizabeth Arnold Dr. Edward DeRoche Sara Finn Dr. Lee Gerlach Dr. Mary Ann Hautman

Very truly yours, Lawrence Lacombe '69

Editor's note: Thanks for your letter. We' re always interested in learning more about the early history of the two colleges from our alumni.

Joan Murry John Nunes Libby Straube Skip Walsh Clare White '80

"U" is publis hed four limes annually (Fall. Winter. Spring. Summer). by the Un iversity of Sa n Diego for its a lumni. parents and friends. Editoria l offices are located in Room 274. DeSales Hall. USO. Alcala Park. San Diego. CA 92110. Telephone (61 9 ) 260-4684. Copyright 1986 by the Univers ity of San Diego. Reproduction in whole or in part without permission is prohibited. Third class postage paid at San Diego. CA 92 110. Unsolicited ma nuscripts s hould include a stamped. self-addressed envelope. Member. Council for the Advancem ent a nd Support of Education (CASE) and International Associa tion of Business Communicators (!ABC). Opinions expressed in "U" are those of the individual authors and do not necessa rily reflect the views of the university administration. All ma terials s ubmitted are subject lo editing. Postmaster: Send address changes to "U," University of San Diego. Publications Office, Alcala Park. San Diego. CA 92110.


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