Kraks vejviser 1925 Handelsregister

Commercial Companies____________________ 26

IN D I S K H A N D E L SK O M P A G N I A|s (Indian Trading Co., Ltd.) Bredgade 56 COPENHAGEN K. Cable address; ,,INDIADEN“ Telephone: Central 12369


of Danish Dairy Products, Cement, Soap, Paper and other Danish articles to India and other oversea places. of Coir Mattings, Oriental Carpets and Carpets from the Levant, Canadian Honey etc.

Commercial Companies

Branches; Bangkok, Singapore Aktieselskabet DET Ø S TA S IA T IS K E KOM PAGN I (THE EAST-ASIATIC COMPANY, LTD.) Agencies: — Shanghai, Hankow, Tslngtau, Tientsin, Vladivo- I I stock, Harbin, Dalny, New York, San Francisco, I I Valparaiso, Durban, Capetown, Johannisburg &. Soerabaya

First class liners between Denmark and East-Asia, Java, Australia, South- Africa, West India and North- & South-Pacific-Coast. European import of East-Asiatic and other oversea products, mainly of teak. Trade and lumber miils in Bangkok. Export of European products to East-Asia.

Cable Address „ORIENT" Office: H o lb e rg s g a d e 2 C O P E N H A G E N .

Commission- and Agency-Bussinesses

E g g s ____________________________________________________________________

Rob inson , A nde rsen & Co., [L im ited . H e a d -O f f ic e : COPENHAGEN ;V. Te leg ram s : N O S N IB O R . Shippers of fresh and pickled eggs. Buying-branches all over Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania, Poland, Bulgaria, Roumania, etc.


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