EWAB Culture and Values

Corporate Culture and Values

An organisation always has a certain „style“ that is transmitted to everyone in the organisation.

Successful organisations are good at encouraging their members to cooperate and pull in the same direction. They should have a number of values that through examples make people understand what the orga- nisation stands for and what is important and what is unacceptable. It is very important that an organisation identifies its values, illustrating such benefits clearly show what qualities and actions they believe are right and which are wrong. This is especially important when expanding and recruiting personnel as it forms the basis for the success of the organisation. The following pages define our values with a head- line for each statement and some examples to highlight the meaning.

Our External and Internal face

The values are divided into two categories:

Our “External” Face is how EWAB is perceived from the outside world. Our “Internal” Face is how we want the organisation to be viewed from within.

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