Organic Insights Magazine - Spring 2023

20 / Organic Insights / Spring 2023


Prominent science communicator Julian Cribb AM’s latest book defines the existential threats facing our planet and offers strategic and practical pathways that we can engage in, both locally and globally, to protect our future and ensure our survival. How to Fix a Broken Planet synthesizes 10 inter- related existential threats impacting the earth’s sustainability and our own survival; human induced catastrophe caused by overpopulation, overconsumption, pollution, poor choice of tech­ nologies and social arrangements that have led to ecological breakdown, resource scarcity, global poisoning, pandemic disease and a ‘hothouse’ earth.

Further information To purchase your copy of

How to Fix a Broken Planet , visit Planet-Surviving-ebook/dp/ B0BQC66M6Y Get activated with The Council for the Human Future at Learn more about Julians’ previous book, ‘ De-toxing our poisoned planet ’ in our summer edition of Organic Insights (here).

In his book, Julian recognises that while the science is clear on the extent of the human emergency, and solutions and technologies already exist to solve issues, there is a fundamental lack of government leadership and will to make change globally. In the absence of this, How to Fix a Broken Planet amounts to what he calls a “first draft for a World Plan of Action for Human Survival” , identifying the structural change and actions that need to be taken now, including introducing: • An Earth System Treaty addressing all the catastrophic threats, open for all to sign. • A ban on all nuclear weapons. • An end to the use of fossil fuels, to stem both climate change and global poisoning. • A Renewable (or circular) World Economy. • New Human Rights, including a Right Not to Be Poisoned. • A Global Technology Convention to oversee all powerful new technologies before they are put to dangerous misuse. • A World Truth Commission, to expose the liars and their lies to public shame. • A Human Survival Index, to inform everyone how risky is our plight and the progress we are making towards making the world safer. • Renewable Food for everyone, to sustain all humanity and reduce the threat of war. • A World Population Plan, providing voluntary family planning for all. • A Stewards of the Earth plan for rewilding half the Earth. • A world pandemic plan to prevent and arrest the uncontrolled spread of disease by human behaviour. How to Fix a Broken Planet is not just a book, but a movement. Julian is the Co-founder of The Council for the Human Future (CHF), a not-for-profit alliance of scientists and concerned global citizens dedicated to understanding and solving the 10 identified ‘mega-threats’. The alliance aims to inform, educate and advise; share trusted knowledge, solve risks, focus the minds of policymakers and create opportunities for economic, environmental and social progress.

JULIAN’S 10 EXISTENTIAL THREATS Global overheating. Global Poisoning. Weapons of mass destruction. Resource scarcity. Food insecurity. Ecological breakdown and extinction.

Pandemic disease. Overpopulation and overconsumption.

Uncontrollable technologies. Mass delusion.

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