Regents Review Summer '17

The Regents Review Summer 2017



Well done Year 11!

These guides will be a valuable tool to aid your child with revision and homework. As a school we are able to offer these guides at cost prices. If you would be interested in placing an order for a revision guide or guides, please get an order letter for Mr. Moth.

afternoon was a huge success. The pupils all created some fantastic pieces of work. They were supported by teachers from both schools and a selection of Year 8 students from Regents Park. Wordsworth will be coming back for the final rotation later this year, so they are all able to complete all three subject areas. We look forward to welcoming them back. I would like to thank the following Year 8 students on the right for their support. Mrs Selfe, Mrs Fishlock and Miss Ruberry been able to offer any revision materials to support students. However, the publisher Collins has produced a set of comprehensive revision guides that include exam style revision practice questions. steps. We also look forward to welcoming our second Miss Cooper to the science team in September. Staffing This summer we say goodbye to Miss Thorpe and Mr Baseley as they move onto their next school. On behalf of the science department and RPCC, we would like to thank them for all their hard work this year and wish them all the best for their next

Wordsworth Transition Session On the 25th May we welcomed back 39 Year 6 pupils from Wordsworth for their 2nd transition afternoon. They were divided into three groups. Each group worked in a specific area for the whole afternoon. One group worked in art, creating a clay tile. Another group worked in food, making pizza wheels. The final group worked in textiles creating a patchwork piece based on Minecraft. The whole After a tough year, Year 11 finished their science exams on 16th June. We are really proud of the hard work put into revision by our students. We look forward to seeing you all on results day, where hopefully all that hard work will have paid off! Revision Guides As you may be aware the GCSE Science specifications are changing. Students currently in Years 9 and 10 have already been following the new specification this year and students in Year 8 will start in September 2017. Due to the examinations being new, until now, we have not

Kinga Kruszynska Annalise Foley Jasmine Atkins Karolina Gaudzinska Thomas Farrelly Klaudia Reczka Klaudia Fiskewycz Jack Young James Tindall Sameisha Knowles

Technology & ICT

Jessica Leonard Bethany Hurst Eleanor Hartley Ethan Whybrew

Arash Najd Josh Pitter

Vickie Andrews Mary-Lou Stocks Mathilda Parker


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