1933 Lest We Forget

Brandy Smash.

Use large bar glass. One-quarter tablespoonful sugar. One squirt seltzer. Two or three sprigs mint, pressed as in " mint julep. One wine-glass brandy. Fill glass half full fine ice. Stir well; strain into a fancy bar glass, and serve with fruit on top. American Beauty. Use tall thin glass. One teaspoonful of Creme de Menthe. Fill with shaved ice. Then in another glass mix the following: Juice of one-half an orange. Small spoonful of sugar. One-half jigger good brandy. One-half jigger French Vermouth. Pour in the first glass. Dash the top with port wine. Dress with fruits and a sprig of green mint and serve with a straw. Brandy Float. Use old-fashioned cocktail glass. Fill two-thirds full of carbonated or plain water. Float a pony of brandy on top (using a spoon). (All liquors can be served in this style.) Hot Apple Toddy. Use medium bar glass, hot. Half tabalespoonful sugar. Half a baked apple. One wine-glass apple-jack. Fill with hot water. Mix well, using a spoon, grate a little nut meg on top. Serve, leaving the spoon in the glass.


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