SPIFAN Stakeholder Panel (September 23, 2017)

Fluoride - Eric Poitevin (Nestlé)

• The analytical challenge – To measure fluoride at very low levels specified in the SMPR requires specific/costly equipment and technique to attain the limit fixed at 5 μg/100g reconstituted product • One option – Considering the Codex limit ( around 65 μg/100 g in reconstituted IF ) and modify the SMPR with a higher LOQ that can be fixed at 20 μg/100g in the reconstituted product (i.e. 3 times over codex limit)

– Such an LOQ could be achieved by classical techniques (ISE, IC, Colorimetry,..) used by numerous labs and hence a call for method could be more fruitful.

• Recommendation of SPIFAN ?

GOS – Sean Austin (Nestlé)

• The analytical challenge – Methods that meet the SMPR recovery of 90 to 110% of mean spiked recovery over the range of the assay – Based on real data, methods are not meeting the SMPR ƌĞƋƵŝƌĞŵĞŶƚ ;Ğ͘Ő͕͘ ч ϴϱйͿ – Should reconsider the SMPR requirements

• Recommendation of SPIFAN ?

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