Around The Bend July 2018



Looking for some quality Mom and Dad time without the kids? Sign the kids up for HBCC’s Kids’ Night Out, then make an adult-only dinner reservation for the Grandstand Tavern. Kids Night Out will be held at the Tennis and Swim Clubhouse on Saturday, July 14th from 5-9pm. Lots of fun and activities are in store for kids ages 5-12 years old. Dinner will be provided. Reservations are a must for this popular event! Price per child is $21.95. Reservations can be made through the member portal on the HBCC website. Cancellations after July 11th will be charged. KIDS BIRTHDAY PARTIES Looking for a fun, adventurous location for your child’s next birthday party?! The Horseshoe Bend CC Swim and Tennis facility is a great location for summer birthdays! The Swim and Tennis facility staff are sure to make it a hit for your child and their friends. For more information please contact


Horseshoe Bend CC recognizes that some families have a Nanny or Full-time babysitter assisting with their children over the summer.This individual is not member of the club; however, Horseshoe Bend CC offers the opportunity for your nanny to bring your children to the swim facilities, for a seasonal fee. The seasonal fee is $135 per nanny, per season, this is in lieu of guest fees. Adding a nanny as an approved guest to your account, allows the nanny access to the swim facilities when he/she accompanying a member’s child or children. This does not grant the nanny open access to the facility at any time. For more information and to get a copy of the required form that must be completed in advance, please contact

Director of Athletics, Luke Burden, at .

Event Manager, Lindsay Yost at .

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