Winning the World

Session 6: Mobilizing American Cities for Church Planting Movements 115

a. Common kinship relationships (immediate, extended, and adopted families)

b. Common friendships (friends, neighbors, special interests)

c. Common associates (work relationships, special interests, recreation, ethnic or cultural alliances, national allegiances)

2. Why oikos (household) evangelism via relational webs are effective

a. Oikos evangelism is biblical – Jesus and apostles ministered in this fashion.

b. Oikos is our most natural and least threatening network of existing relationships (no cold calling, or the truest form of lifestyle and friendship evangelism).

c. Oikos individuals are usually receptive to other members (builds on shared history, experience, and concerns).

d. Oikos relationships are “built in” or resident mission fields.

e. Oikos relationships make follow-up less strained and impersonal.

f. Oikos allows entire family groups to be targeted.

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