Winning the World

148 Wi nn i ng the Wor l d: Fac i l i tat i ng Urban Chur ch P l ant i ng Movement s

• Let us recognize our own inclination to settle on one side of an issue or perspective so dogmatically that we fail to see the other side. • Let us recognize the nature of biblical wisdom: two apparently contradictory truths which, when seen together enable us to see into the truth. • Let us use all the knowledge we can in order to become the kind of pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders who can be used of God to raise up a new generation of leaders who can take our cities for God. The Last Word: Can we rediscover our freedom in Christ in such a way as to open us up to entirely new ways of conceiving membership, leadership, liturgy, justice, discipleship, and missions in order that we may generate entirely new models of vital church spirituality for urban America?

Please see Appendix 41: “The Orthodox Church”

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