Winning the World

Ses s i on 1: By The i r Fru i t s You Sha l l Know Them 19

3. Good works to the world

VI. The Church Is Apostolic (Representative Authority)

The Church, in whatever form (local, regional, national, or international) is apostolic, grounded in those who possessed an original and unique authority because of Jesus’ commissioning and sending them forth with the Gospel. As his messengers, witnesses, and authorized representatives, authentic faith is based upon and acknowledges their testimony, teaching, and authority as it continues to us through their word.

A. An expression of apostolicity

1. The Apostolic Tradition

2. The Great Tradition

3. The denominational tradition in fidelity to the apostolic faith

B. An expression of representative authority

1. Continuity in the authority of the Church

2. Legitimate bishops as regional shepherds

3. Called elder-pastors as congregational shepherds

C. An expression of prophetic, holistic witness to Christ and his Kingdom

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