Winning the World

Ses s i on 2: Def i n i ng Chur ch P l ant Movement s


2. David’s life reflects the principles and ideals of Jesus Christ, p. 7.

3. “[David’s] life reflects the very ideals and principles that characterized the life and purpose of Jesus Christ and that advance the Kingdom of God – despite the fact that David rarely attends church services. He is typical of a new breed of disciples of Jesus Christ. They are not willing to play religious games and aren’t interested in being part of a religious community that is not intentionally and aggressively advancing God’s Kingdom. They are people who want more of God – much more – in their lives. And they are doing whatever it takes to get it” ( Revolution , p. 7).

4. Michael is different: “Michael’s life is more about living for Michael than it is about living for God” ( Revolution , p. 8).

D. Traits of the New Revolutionary Age and the Revolutionary Christian

1. Revolutionaries are devout followers of Jesus Christ who are serious about their faith, who constantly worship and interact with God, centered on their faith in Jesus Christ.

2. “The key to understanding Revolutionaries is not what church they attend or even if they attend. Instead, it’s their complete dedication to being thoroughly Christian by viewing every moment of life through a spiritual lens and making every decision in light of biblical principles ,” p. 8 [all with the exception of commitment to a local assembly].

3. Revolutionary Christianity grows out of the current Revolutionary Age as descriptive of our current cultural context, p. 9.

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