Winning the World

Ses s i on 2: Def i n i ng Chur ch P l ant Movement s


2. A CPM is multiplication (they do not simply add new churches, instead they multiply them, akin to the multiplication of the loaves and fish), p. 22.

3. A CPM is indigenous (meaning “generated from within as opposed to started by outsiders), p. 22.

4. A CPM is churches planting churches (church planters may start the first churches, but at some point the churches themselves reach a “tipping point” and a “movement” is launched), p. 22.

5. A CPM occurs within people groups or interrelated population segments (they involve the communication of the Gospel to people within shared language and ethnic boundaries), p. 23.

C. What CPMs are not

1. They are not a revival or spiritual awakening , p. 23.

2. They are not just mass evangelism to the lost : they are, rather, church multiplying movements, p. 23.

3. They are not just people movements , i.e., mass conversion where great numbers of lost people respond to the Gospel but don’t necessarily produce churches, p. 24.

4. They are not Church Growth Movements , p. 24.

a. Church growth movements tend to associate bigger churches with better churches; CPMs adhere to the principle that smaller is better , pp. 24-25.

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