Winning the World

Ses s i on 2: Def i n i ng Chur ch P l ant Movement s


1. Cell churches as a new wineskin more than 20 years ago in response to the lack of vitality in the traditional church

a. Traditional church problems: building-bound, clergy-centered, isolated, ineffective witness, “spectator mentality”

b. Evolution from small groups as centers for every-person ministry (“on-the-job training for leadership through hands-on experiences”), p. 9.

2. Cell groups as a place for equipping and natural setting for evangelism (i.e., evangelism as a team, in prayer for their personal oikos )

3. Loving environment to draw new believers in for love and care, p. 10

4. David Yongi Cho’s Korean church, multitudes of cell churches emerged which cut through and transcended denominational lines .

5. Cell church wisdom permeates most denominations: churches which start as cell-based churches, others transitioned to cell-based ministries, others developed cells within current church structure.

6. The bottom line: cell churches continue to function mainly within the traditional church structure, p. 10.

a. Cell churches as complimentary ministries to the larger Sunday church meeting

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