Winning the World

38 Wi nn i ng the Wor l d: Fac i l i tat i ng Urban Chur ch P l ant i ng Movement s

2. Davis excursus: Church as community center and religious center : The Black church has been the center of African American life not merely its religious life.

a. C. Eric Lincoln and Lawrence H. Mamiya, The Black Church in the African American Experience . Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1990.

b. Hans Baer, The Black Spiritual Movement: A Religious Response to Racism . Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1984.

c. Hans Baer and Merrill Singer. African-American Religion in the Twentieth Century: Varieties of Protest and Accommodation . Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, 1992.

B. How experience of church can shape view of church: the objectivity of the researcher , p. 11

1. View of church in terms of the experience of rural life .

2. View of church in terms of the experience of major changes in your life (whether positive or negative) , p. 11.

3. View of church in terms of the experience of dynamic spiritual vitality (positive experiences)

4. View of church in terms of the experience of painful experience with a particular church (confusion, anger, rejection, disappointment, etc.)

5. Often views of the church are drafted and argued for impersonally and in an isolated way : “We cannot forget

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