Winning the World

Ses s i on 3: Al ternat i ve Forms of Sp i r i tua l i t y and Chur ch 45

2. Distinguishes between external programs and the calling to become “Jesus clones,” pp. 25-26

3. Warfare is the context of revolutionary Christianity (i.e., the capacity to be Christlike), defined in individual terms of doing whatever you have to do to prove that you fear God, love him, and serve him, p. 27.

C. The status of the local church, pp. 29-39

1. Draws a distinction between your status and involvement in a local church and who you are spiritually . (Whether you become a Revolutionary immersed in, minimally involved in, or completely disassociated from a local church is irrelevant to me [and, within boundaries, to God]. What matters is not whom you associate with [i.e., a local church], but who you are.–p. 29.)

2. Logical approach: If the local church is God’s answer to our spiritual needs, then why are most churched Christians so spiritually immature and desperate? , p. 30.

3. If the local church were the answer we should see two things : (cf. page 30).

a. People involved in a Christian congregation would be more spiritually developed than others .

b. Churched Christians would increasingly reflect the principles and characteristics Scripture tells us are the marks of Jesus’ true disciples .

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