Winning the World

Ses s i on 3: Al ternat i ve Forms of Sp i r i tua l i t y and Chur ch 47

E. Implications of thesis of the local church, pp. 35-39

1. “Despite its faults and flaws, a spiritually healthy local church will always have a valid and valuable role within God’s kingdom on earth,” p. 36.

2. Placing all our hope in the local church is a misplaced hope, p. 36.

a. The local church is not the hope of the world: Jesus, and Jesus alone, is the hope of the world , p. 36.

b. The local church is one mechanism (strange language indeed?!) that can be instrumental in bringing us closer to him and helping us to be more like him. But, as the research data clearly show, churches are not doing the job. If the local church is the hope of the world, then the world has no hope , p. 36.

3. Elements of Barna’s ecclesiology : (i.e., his doctrine of the church)

a. Involvement in the church is neither essential nor integral to spiritual growth, and may actually undermine faith: Nothing inherently wrong, but being a part of it does not make you “saved, holy, righteous, or godly any more than being in Yankee Stadium makes you a professional baseball player. Participating in church-based activities does not necessarily draw you closer to God or prepare you for a life that satisfies him or enhances your existence. Being a member of a congregation does not make you spiritually righteous any more than being a members of the Democratic Party makes you a liberal wing nut. Being in right relationship with God and his people is what matters. Scripture teaches us that devoting your life to loving God with all your heart, mind, strength,

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