Winning the World

74 Wi nn i ng the Wor l d: Fac i l i tat i ng Urban Chur ch P l ant i ng Movement s

7. Recovering the tradition of Acts is primarily about meeting in homes with a primary focus on outreach and discipleship, rather than fellowship , p. 71.

a. Greatest catalyst for spiritual growth is turning our “eyes from ourselves to Jesus and the needs of those around us,” p. 71

b. New churches provide more opportunities for evangelism (the older the church, the less evangelism occurs, cf. p. 73).

c. Current church structures impede use of the gifts of most Christians, p. 74.

d. Under restriction and limits, the home can become the place of kingdom advance, pp. 74-75.

e. The Methodist revival in the Anglican church is a case study, pp. 77-78.

8. Downsizing in house church networks is the only way to share resources, and leverage monies and resources for more kingdom-oriented ventures, pp.78-79.

D. Tradition described as planting and establishing churches which serve as the ground and process of creating and sustaining a new Christian culture, Mull, pp. 26-43.

1. The new church creates the possibility of living tradition as it provides a place of prayer to meet God with others (Acts 1.14; 4.31; 12.5).

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