Winning the World

82 Wi nn i ng the Wor l d: Fac i l i tat i ng Urban Chur ch P l ant i ng Movement s

that facilitate sinners being transformed into forgiven, satisfying servants of the living God,” Revolution , p. 89.

3. Part of a community: having a “reference group as an anchor,” Revolution , p. 89

a. Revolutionaries discover quickly that they are not alone in their dissatisfaction with the status quo, that they cannot sustain their rebellion alone, and will have only nominal impact if they seek the revolution without others, Revolution , p. 89.

b. While not necessarily committed to authority structures in the church, Revolutionaries do seek to “integrate into a pool of compatible change agents,” which have tangible benefits, Revolution , p. 90.

4. New forms of behavior: revolutionaries deny a multitude of distractions and seductions that could dissipate their effect, Revolution , p. 91.

a. They can be seen as narrow minded and uninteresting because of their laser-like focus on Revolutionary ideals, Revolution , p. 91.

b. Revolutionaries are truly heroic figures, “simultaneously intriguing and scary to those who uphold the white-bread norm,” Revolution , p. 91.

5. The Revolutionary is known by certain marks of what legitimate change agents look like (and therefore, what the structures and authorities will look like).

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