Winning the World

84 Wi nn i ng the Wor l d: Fac i l i tat i ng Urban Chur ch P l ant i ng Movement s

B. Structure and religious authority in CPMs among the Muslims as the outworking of mission where the “smothering fabric of shariah has been frayed by war and rapid social change, Church Planting Movements , pp. 99-122

1. The power of Islam and its shariah (its system of social laws), Garrison, p. 99

a. “Islamic shariah constitutes the only major religious system in the world designed to defeat Christianity,” Garrison, p. 100.

b. Islam demands and enforces submission to its social ethic: shariah is both acknowledged and enforces as authoritative.

2. Elements of shariah and its working historically

a. Shariah prohibits Muslims from converting to Christianity or any other religion (to do so is punishable by death), Garrison, p. 99.

b. Christians may not try to convert Muslims to faith, with Christians restricted to practicing their faith within the confines of their own church buildings , Garrison, p. 100.

c. A Muslim man may marry a Christian woman, who may retain her faith, but her children must be Muslim, Garrison, p. 100. (Likewise, Christian men may marry Muslim women, but only after they have converted to Islam.)

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