Winning the World

94 Wi nn i ng the Wor l d: Fac i l i tat i ng Urban Chur ch P l ant i ng Movement s

11. All three models of the church are biblical: the community church, the mega-church, and the house church network. “It just depends on which one you are called to. God will use whichever structure He chooses, and He does not necessarily ask for our opinion,” Kreider, p. 90.

12. The regional church, Kreider, p. 91

a. There is usually a difference between the local ministerium and the regional church .

b. While the local ministerium deals with the business of the church in an area, the regional church seeks to proclaim Christ to every person in the community and see the entire region transformed by God’s power, p. 91.

c. The local ministerium and the regional church are usually different because the former is bureaucratic while the latter is more relational (?????).

d. Regional church will never replace denominations, which benefits the body in a region (say more, Kreider, say more!), p. 91.

B. Structure and religious authority as new planted churches which train lay leaders to preach the Good News in ways which cross cultural barriers and mentors new believers, Mull, pp. 44-53.

1. The new church trains lay leaders to become preachers (Acts 6.10; 14.23).

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