Winning the World

Session 5: Patterns of Structure and Religious Authority in Church Planting Movements 95

a. The example of Stephen’s Spirit-uality, wisdom, and boldness in what he spoke , Acts 6.9-10

b. Paul and Barnabas appointed elders for every church where individuals believed , and with prayer and fasting, committed the new Christians to the Lord, Acts 14.23.

c. “An essential element for the church to be a dynamic movement led by the Holy Spirit is lay ministry. When we show enthusiasm for their work and approve, allow, encourage, and train lay people to be active in the ministry of planting new churches, we will build God’s kingdom on earth more rapidly,” Mull, p. 44. d. Lay people in a community, already established with jobs, and understanding the local culture, can become bi-vocational pastors. Other lay people can advance the Kingdom by accepting God’s call on their life for full time ministry,” Mull, p. 47.

2. A new church crosses cultural barriers (Acts 8.34-35; 10.1-47; 16.9; 22.21).

a. Philip won an Ethiopian to Christ, Acts. 8.34-35.

b. Peter won Cornelius, a Roman centurion and his oikos to the Lord, Acts 10.

c. Mull’s unique interpretation of the Macedonian vision as the Philippian jailer!, p. 48

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