Winning the World

96 Wi nn i ng the Wor l d: Fac i l i tat i ng Urban Chur ch P l ant i ng Movement s

d. “Our commission includes looking to saturate geographic (Acts 1.8), linguistic (Acts 2.5-7) and cross cultural (Acts 10) groups. The way to do it is by planting new churches to cross those barriers,” Mull, p. 48.

3. A new church mentors new believers (Acts 9.26-27; 20.20, 2731, 34-36).

a. Barnabas’ church planting work as the occasion to mentor Paul in ministry, cf. Acts 9.26-27

b. “Every group of people includes some that will influence others. They believe and express confidence in the potential that they see in another individual. Moreover, because of their influence, they help others decide to trust their judgment,” Mull, p. 51.

1 Thess. 5.21 (ESV) but test everything; hold fast what is good.

IV. Dialogue on Kreider and Mull on Structure and Religious Authority

How do these views coincide with the New Testament and Nicene theology of the Church as one (biblical identity), holy (shared spirituality), catholic (historic roots and connectivity), and apostolic (representative authority)?

A. Clarification between the facts and the claims

B. Evaluation of the evidence supporting the claims

1. The facts of the matter

2. The teachings of Scripture

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