Alcalá 1956
Th e Stud ent Council
Based on "the princip le that all authority is derived from God and rests with His repre senta tives and with those to whom any share of His governing power is dele gated, " acon stitut ion was drawn up, in the summer of 1954, providing for a cooperative form of government to be administered by faculty and students working toge ther . Prior to this timethe studentbody hadbeen governed by Kathleen McGonigle as presi den t (1952-1953 and 1953-1954), Mary Bing- geli as vice-president (1952-1953and 1953- 1954 ), Constance Jimenez as social chairman and Joan Hall as secretary . In Sept ember 1954, Kathleen Brophy was elected social chairman and Janet Contant as secre tary. According to the new const itution the elections of 1954-1955 called for student-body officers who would also head standing com
mittees in the college. These officers, class pres idents, and special delegates from the classes compose the student council . Student- Body officers for 1954-1955 wer e: Jacqueline Kearns, Ka thl een Br ophy ,Ma ry Tu rner , Leann Mahoney, and Lillian Jimenez. The funct ion of the Studen tCouncil is to foste r understanding and cooperation be tween Faculty and Studen t Body by repre senting the views of t he Studen t Body to the Administration. This representation is made to the Presid ent of t he College,Mothe r Cath erine Parks, Mode rator of t he Council. Th e aim of the Studen t Council is to up hold the college motto "THAT ALL MAY BE ONE," and in so doin g foster the "family" trad ition, whichis the her itage of all colleges of the Sacred Heart.
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