Alcalá 1956

Th e Stud ent Council

Based on "the princip le that all authority is derived from God and rests with His repre­ senta tives and with those to whom any share of His governing power is dele gated, " acon­ stitut ion was drawn up, in the summer of 1954, providing for a cooperative form of government to be administered by faculty and students working toge ther . Prior to this timethe studentbody hadbeen governed by Kathleen McGonigle as presi­ den t (1952-1953 and 1953-1954), Mary Bing- geli as vice-president (1952-1953and 1953- 1954 ), Constance Jimenez as social chairman and Joan Hall as secretary . In Sept ember 1954, Kathleen Brophy was elected social chairman and Janet Contant as secre tary. According to the new const itution the elections of 1954-1955 called for student-body officers who would also head standing com­

mittees in the college. These officers, class pres idents, and special delegates from the classes compose the student council . Student- Body officers for 1954-1955 wer e: Jacqueline Kearns, Ka thl een Br ophy ,Ma ry Tu rner , Leann Mahoney, and Lillian Jimenez. The funct ion of the Studen tCouncil is to foste r understanding and cooperation be­ tween Faculty and Studen t Body by repre­ senting the views of t he Studen t Body to the Administration. This representation is made to the Presid ent of t he College,Mothe r Cath­ erine Parks, Mode rator of t he Council. Th e aim of the Studen t Council is to up­ hold the college motto "THAT ALL MAY BE ONE," and in so doin g foster the "family" trad ition, whichis the her itage of all colleges of the Sacred Heart.

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