Alcalá 1956
Dye r, Margaret Fahlstrom, Donna Kopp, Patr icia Perdue, Patricia Pra tt, Patricia Proc tor, Caro l Riddell , Beth Ann Sm ith, Barbara Carlisle, Canda ce Hosmer , Hilary Broad, Susan Robinson, and Sharon Smith - would like to acknowledge here thei r deb t ofgrati tude to Scripps' Ins titu te of Oceanography, the San Diego Natural History Museum, Ceil Sut ton , R.N., and above all, Mother Bemice Farren s,mode rator, for invaluable assistance and inspir ation.
the field trip to Palomar. In April and May, Dr. Anita Figueredo, M.D., under the aus pices of th e club, addressedthe studen tbody in a series of th ree lectures on cancer . In 1955-56 Mar garet Fahlstrom, Beth Ann Smith, and Carol Riddell retained club offices. Donna Kopp was e lected as junior a nd Ann Dyer as sophomore representatives. This year's agenda featured a series of lectures on "Wonder Drugs" by Mother Lorraine Law rence of the Science Departme nt. Members of the c lub— Devona Crise,Ann
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