Alcalá 1956

EVELYN FRANCES KRA IL 4861 Sixthy-ninth Place, San Diego 15, California St. Ma rys Springs Acad emy, Fond du Lac, Wiscon sin

at in g won he r the pr es id en t'soffice in the Dram a C lu b. An d, as a mu sic ma jor , she help ed to r ga ni zeth e Mus ic Clu b dur ing her seni orye ar an d se rvedon its coun cil .

Ev elyn 'sinf ec tiouslaug han d irr es is tib lepe r­ sona lityga ined for he r an ac ti ve part in all Co lle ge ac tiv iti es .Her ta lent for. impe rson - \l a jo r:Mu sic Minor: Ed uc at ion

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