Alcalá 1956

Junior Class History

"College at last!" was our thought as we wandered around in a maze of classrooms and laboratories in 1953. But, with the help of our counselor, Mother Frances Danz, we managed to amuse the upper-classmen with the portraits we painted of their future antics in our FRESHMEN FOLLIES.' Class officers that year were Valmere Dessert, Lidia Fon– cerrada, and Carol Farrell. Our sophomore year, under the guidance of Mother Susan Campbell and officers - Virginia Rodee, Carol Farrell, and Joan Young - was filled with memorable activities from dinner aboard Admiral Rodee's U.S.S. Prince– ton to the unforgettable thrill of the BAL DES FLEURS in May. We were saddened by the loss of Rosa Maria Molina that summer, but Colombian shores beckoned her. Charming to the end, she bid us all good-bye at a farewell tea at the La Jolla Beach and Tennis Club. Joan Young, Joann Wigchert, Lidia Foncer– rada, Joan Beretich, Gail Henderson, Eliza– beth Vopateck, Dale Tallman, and Noelle Onorato left us to be married, but they have kept their promise to keep in touch by corre– spondence. Those of us who are determined to "earn a B.A. or B.S. first" gathered at Evelyn Teachout's Chula Vista home for a reunion breakfast on graduation day in June.

Carol Farrell, president; Evelyn Teachout, Patricia Keane

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