Alcalá 1956

FreshmanClass History As we stood there at the bottom of the ladder , it looked like a long climb. With the help of our class counselor, Mother Furay, the freshman class soon began to rise. Fort­ nightly officers were systematical ly elected unti l our final voting in December, when Sandy Schwarzman took up the gavel, aided by Angel Kraemer, Pat Mulcahy, and Mar­ gare t Farrell.

sisters" was completed , but their help was not dispensed with , for our first midte rms were fast approaching . To cel ebrate the end of exams, our fort­ nightly pres ident, Pat Malcahy, and her fel­ low officers organi zed an afternoon at Coro- nado beach in mid-November. December brought our firstChris tmas Ball, wh ile many of us par ticipated actively in the pageant, "American Christmas, " the following week. On January eighth, the day student s enter­ tained the residence student s at a post-Christ­ mas buffet supper at Irma Serrano's home. The talk of t he party was, of course , final ex­ aminations and the men's college formal. Fa the r Parish's fine retreat gave impetus to our second semester beginnings . Plans were carried through for the fresh-

On Mater 's Feast, our firstpicnic provided time to get bet ter acquainted and to explore Presidio Park. One of our first big steps up the ladd er was the Freshman Follies. Under the capable leadersh ipofAngel Kraemer and LindaHope, "The Freshman Classic" was presen ted, com­ plet e with "original" songs and dances dis­ playing our reactions to science, music, lan­ guages, and P. E. The tribu te to our "big % cm

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