Alcalá 1956

man-sponsored "Ma rdi Gras." Dance chair ­ man, Angel Kraemer, and her commi ttee chai rmen, Cordelia Curley, Janet Berardinelli and Inna Serrano, innovated with colorful and clever Valentine pinatas to be broken dur ing the evening. We made rapid progress up the ladder as we par ticipatedin the spring production, "A Midsummer Night 's Dream; celeb rated the accreditation of our S.D.C.W.; enjoyed the resident studen ts' par ty for the day students afte r Easter; inaugu rated an annua l fresh­ man-senior par ty on April 29th; and danced at the Joint Social Committee's Easter ball and S.D.C.W.'s Spring Formal. At Com­ mencement on May twenty- seventh,we said good-bye for the summer at our first Class Reunion Brunch, and congratulat ed each other on our attainment of the first landing in the ladder , thanks to Mother Furay, our big sisters, and everyone who encouraged us. So "Move up, sophomores, we' re here to stay. "

New C om m it te e m em bers:Ka th ri neSea br oo k, Re lig iou sAffairs; Bet ty Be ll, Soci al Affairs; Te rr y Fo lk, Re sid enceCom m it te e.

Ca ro l Kn ud sen ,Joanne W an tu ck ,Mo ire Ma hone y, Ru th Ashmo re, Do lor es Goo de ll;se at ed: Nanc y Ke cshan ,Janet Be rar din ell i,Cor deliaCur le y,Mar­ ga ret Farr ell

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