Alcalá 1956

T o those whose vision foresaw a great work to hedone for God . . .

for you r exampl e has ta ugh tus this ideal way of lif e, "byHim,wi th Him, an din Him" —th e Sac redHea rtof J esu s.

To our dea rly lov edRe ve rendMot he r Rosa lie H il l, S.V., who se st ro ng gu iding sp ir it pl an ne d,bu ilt an dor ga ni ze dour coll ege , and wh os ege nt le , compe lli ng sp iri tha s impa rted to us th e de pthof he r own lov e an d loy alty, sinc ethe radi anceof Chris t'slif e shinesfo rth in al l herwa ys . . .

Rever end Mothe r Rosalie Hill, S.V., Vic ar of the We stern Vicariate

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