attendee selection process. I have served as an evaluator on the FBINAA University of Phoenix Scholarship Committee and have re- cently been appointed to sit on the FBINAA Charitable Foundation Science and Innovation Award committee. Finally, for the past four years I have had the privilege to serve as the 2019 Annual Train- ing Conference Co-Chair, hosted by the Arizona Chapter and the Phoenix Police Department. In this role I have had the opportunity to attended chapter, section, and national events and have seen the best of our Association. This has strengthened my belief that the best of our Association represents the best of American law enforcement, the fundamental premise that brought me to and keeps me deeply committed to the FBINAA and to our members. As your Section I Representative, I offer my commitment to be your advocate and to be your voice lending my diverse career experiences, extensive leadership background and strong As- sociation relationships to represent the Members and Chapters of Section I with honor and in service with a focus on three key areas I feel are most important to serving the needs of the mem- bers of the FBINAA: First, I will bring a Member and Chapter Focus that embrac- es the awesome responsibility and honor of serving as Section I Representative. First and foremost, I will serve the member- ship and make every decision with the Member’s, Chapter’s and Association’s best interests in mind. I will maintain open lines of communication between the Executive Board, Chapters and our members to assure transparency for decisions and accountability for actions while recognizing service to each other is fundamental to our continued on page 24
Fellow FBI National Academy graduates and friends my name is Jim Gallagher , proud graduate of the 245th Session of the FBI National Academy and candidate run- ning to be your Section I Representative to the FBINAA Executive Board in 2019. I believe it is the responsibility of leaders to serve others. It is for this reason that I humbly offer my service to you and to the Executive Board of the FBI National Acad- emy Associates as candidate for Section I Representative. I am a Cop's kid from a Cop family. My Dad, Jim Sr. has a total of 48 years of dedicated law enforcement service with the NYPD, Drug Enforcement Administration and the US Army Military Police. My family has or continues to serve in the NYPD, New York State Court Officers, Suffolk County (NY) Police Department and the Federal Air Marshals Service. I am a 24-year veteran of Phoenix Police Department with assignments in Patrol, Gang In- vestigations, Undercover Vice and Narcotics, Tactical Support and Fugitive Apprehension and have held command assignments in Strategic Information, Patrol and Narcotics. I have a BA in Political Science from Arizona State University, an M.Admin – Leadership from Northern Arizona University and an Ed.D in Organizational Leadership Studies from Northeastern University (MA). Since graduating from the 245th Session of the National Academy in 2011, I have been an active member of the Arizona Chapter Executive Board as part of Chapter leadership, assisting with training across the state of Arizona, recruiting new members and acting as a chapter liaison with our Executive Board and Staff. I also serve in a leadership role within the Phoenix Police Department as coordinator for our competitive National Academy
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