

Johnnie Adams

Dear Fellow Graduates,

W e are months away from the Annual FBI National Acad- emy Associates’ National Conference in Phoenix, Arizona. This premier event starts on July 20, 2019 and concludes on July 23, 2019. The committee is working hard to make this the best conference ever and we know by our preliminary attendance records and vendor/sponsor participation that it will be one of our largest. If you have never been to a FBI National Academy Associ- ates National Training Conference, I encourage you to attend and take advantage of the excellent training, networking and fellow- ship that you will experience in Arizona. If you are adventurous and so inclined, I encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity of attending one of our inter- national re-trainers. The next scheduled international conference will be in San Salvador, El Salvador from May 5th to the 9th at the Sheraton Presidente in San Salvador. Click here for more infor- mation http://www.fbinaaelsalvador.org/. After that, the Asia- Pacific re-trainer will be in Taiwan from June 9-14, 2019. Go to our National website and click on international conferences for more information. May is a somber month, one of reflection, as law enforcement from throughout the country honor the heroes of our profession during National Police Week. Paying tribute to those that have given the ultimate sacrifice to protect the communities that they have sworn to defend. I encourage those that are in the DC area to come join your fellow graduates to honor those individuals at the 31st Annual Candlelight Vigil starting at 8pm on Monday, May 13, 2019 at the National Mall between 7th and 12th street. The National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial sponsors this event and no tickets are required. In the last 50 years, 9451 officers have died while in the line of duty. Gunfire is the leading form of death and 3824 of our comrades died through actions involving gunfire. Additionally, 163 officers passed away last year in the line of duty and coincidently in May we experienced our greatest loss of 22. We also tragically lost at least 158 police officers by suicide in 2018. I am always saddened by the loss of life of a fellow officer and please keep everyone of these heroes and their families in your prayers. The FBINAA is committed to providing the best training in the industry to protect our graduates and their fellow officers. This year we have pushed many programs out to include train the trainer courses in Officer Wellness and Resiliency and continue to push the below 100 initiative. This clearly is not enough and we will double our efforts in the coming year to reach our goals. My time as president is winding down and as many before me have stated the time goes by quick. This is my 8th year on the National Board and I am so thankful for everyone that has come into my life during this journey. I am here to continue to serve

the membership with a great staff and fellow executive board members. Please take time to download the new FBINAA Connect app . There is a wealth of information on the app and in the Forum section under “Ask the FBINAA Executive Board” ask a question or just say hello and tell us how we are doing. Communication is the hallmark of a great organization and we want to hear from you! I hope to see you soon.

Best Regards,

Johnnie Adams, President FBINAA Chief, Santa Monica College Police Department FBINA #222

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