David M. Pereira


Scientific publications

Scientific papers in Journals indexed in the Journal Citation Reports,ISI Web of Knowledge:

IF – Impact factor Q – Quartil in the scientific category (Journal Citation Reports) * - Corresponding author

Papers as first author: 17 Average impact factor: 9.145

57. Silva, T. C., Andrade, P. B., Paiva-Martins, F., Valentão, P., Pereira, D. M *. In vitro anti- inflammatory and cytotoxic effects of aqueous extracts from the edible sea anemones Anemonia sulcata and Actinia equina . International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2017, in press. (IF-3,257; Q2 in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology). 56. Mariana Barbosa, Fátima Fernandes, David M. Pereira , Isabel C. Azevedo, Isabel Sousa- Pinto, Paula B. Andrade, Patrícia Valentão. Fatty acid patterns of the kelps Saccharina latíssima , Sacchoriza polychides and Laminaria ochroleuca : influence of changing environmental conditions. Arabian Journal of Chemistry , 2017 Accepted, in press. (IF: 3,613; Q2 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary) 55. Andreia P. Oliveira, Ivone Sá, David M. Pereira , Rui F. Gonçalves, Paula B. Andrade and Patrícia Valentão. Exploratory studies on the in vitro anti-inflammatory potential of two herbal teas ( Annona muricata L. and Jasminum grandiflorum L.), and relation with their phenolic composition . 2017. Chemistry & Biodiversity , Accepted, in press. (IF: 1,444; Q3 in Chemistry, Multidisciplinary) 54. Daniela Correia, Paula B. Andrade, Patrícia Valentão, David M. Pereira *. Neurotoxicity of the steroidal alkaloids tomatine and tomatidine is RIP1 kinase- and caspase- independent and involves the eIF2α branch of the endoplasmic reticulum. Journal of Steroid Biochemistry & Molecular Biology . http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jsbmb.2017.03.009


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