JT chapter sampler

they wanted, so I slept on both the top and the bottom. We were a family that shared everything. I spent a fair bit of time in the living room. My little brother always had the run of the TV, so mostly we were watching Gumby , Postman Pat and Fireman Sam . I was always last out of bed. By the time I got up Shane would already be eating his Weet-Bix while watching TV. We would sit there, mindless morning zombies, until Mum screamed at us to get ready for school. ‘What are you two doing?’ she would yell. ‘We have to leave in two minutes.’ I didn’t have a bedroom full of toys. There were no posters covering the walls. And there were no books on the shelves. No, my room was full of balls, bats and racquets. You had to be able to kick it, pass it or hit it – or I didn’t want it. We ended up getting an old TV in there a few years later. And then a Sega. Game on. We only ever used the bedroom for sleeping until we got that games system. And then we never left. My bedroom was messy, there was rubbish everywhere. We would throw our clothes on the floor.


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